Monday, 17 March 2008

Sustainable Energy Exhibition At Garth Hill College

I went to the sustainable energy exhibition last week at Garth Hill College. There was lots of interesting material to read and the presentations were thought provoking. I congratulate the pupils and staff for their efforts. A sustainable energy officer from Bracknell Forest Borough Council was on hand and she added considerably to the value of the evening by her informative and helpful remarks. It is a pity though that more residents did not visit to benefit from all the work done. Most people would gain financially by accepting the advice that was offered. When our Council again undertakes an initiative in this way, then I urge eveyone to attend if they possibly can.

David YoungThe Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.

Thursday, 13 March 2008


Last week we had two bad storms in our area. It was reported that even the roof of the Chancellor's 11 Downing Street suffered during the Budget Day storm. (By the way last week's Budget was a huge missed opportunity. It was not green; it was Brown.) Still the weather wasn't as bad as the awful floods last summer. Then, after the rainfall in June, the Government's Environment Agency told us not to worry as such downpours only happened every 30 years. Then to their suprise, the torrential rain was even worse in the very next month. I deplore the Government's apathy on what has been described as the worst ever threat to the continuance of human life on our planet.

The turbulent weather conditions frequently hitting the South East are a worrying sign of things to come unless the Government takes a tougher line on climate change. Studies have suggested that the South East of England is likely to be one of the UK regions worst affected by global warming. A 2004 report entitled ‘Global Warming, Local Warning’, showed the expected consequences for the South East where the dense population, long coastline and low-lying land make us increasingly vulnerable. To prevent the devastating consequences of climate change, the Government should belooking to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions by reducing demand, investingin carbon neutral sources of power and developing widespread energyefficiency measures. Having seen the daffodils in December and the bluebells in January (both 3 months early), we all know there will be a dire problem for future generations. All the independent expert scientists over the last 25 years have agreed. The UK needs to persuade other nations to take action. So we must urge our our politicians to act very soon.

David Young is the Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.
David Young, 9 Haywood, Bracknell. Tel 01344 456489.

To retain human life on the planet we need to save the Gulf Stream and the permafrost. To help, we can all cut our CO2 emissions: Reduce consumption; Reuse; Recycle; Insulate our homes; Use less electricity, gas and water; Buy local food and save food miles; Use less fossil fuel; Fly less.