Friday, 29 February 2008

Post Office Closures

From David Young, 9 Haywood, Bracknell. Tel 01344 456489.

It is ridiculous. Last year the head of the Post Office, Adam Crozier, received a salary of £1.1 million, a £300,000 bonus and had a hefty sum paid into his pension too. And what were his decisions that deserved a total package approaching £2 million for one year's work?

He decided to initiate yet another round of closures of much needed local post offices, cut the last collection of the day (so most post boxes are now emptied in mid afternoon) and abolish Sunday collections. Why does the Government allow the rich to get richer in this way?

I call for the introduction of higher taxation of such mega rich individuals and for the nationalisation of the Post Office to prevent further degradation of the lives of ordinary people.

David Young
The Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.

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