Saturday, 15 December 2007

EDM 220 withdrawl of primary healthcare from asylum seekers

Dear Sir,

The Government wishes to withdraw primary healthcare from asylum seekers.

The effect of this measure would not only harm many unwell and damaged people who need GP care, but also have incalculable long term 'invisible' public costs: greatly increased demands on emergency care/A&E departments, dangerous deterioration and public health risks of serious illnesses, and expensive chronic treatment later on. I believe this proposal is both unwise and inhumane.

Please help to prevent this happening by signing Early Day Motion 220 below.

Best wishes, David Young
"Access to Health Care for Vulnerable Migrants - What needs to be done?"

Gerrard, Neil
That this House notes the commitment by the Home Office and the Department of Health to a joint review of overseas visitor access to the National Health Service, now due for publication in December 2007; recalls the findings of the Joint Committee on Human Rights' Tenth Report of Session 2006-07 that the current arrangements for overseas visitor access deny healthcare to vulnerable individuals, including asylum seekers and their children, resulting in various breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights; applauds the Trade Union Congress's NHS Together campaign to defend the achievements of the free NHS; and supports the charity coalition campaign co-ordinated by the medical charity Medact against any measures that would compel general practitioners, and other primary care staff, to be forced to charge refused asylum seekers or other vulnerable foreign nationals for NHS care.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Climate Change, Flooding the inconvenient truth

I feel so sorry for all the people badly affected by the recent floods. How awful to have cars and homes ruined. It will cost a lot of money to put right. We will all have to pay higher insurance premiums but much worse than that will be the misery experienced by those unfortunate people who suffered recently.

Our planet is getting hotter. We all know this. More water than before is evaporated as the oceans get warmer. The increased temperature of the atmosphere means that clouds can get much bigger before they need to disgorge their wetness on the earth below. Hence the larger rain storms and floods experienced all over the world, including last week in Bracknell. To understand the problem I urge readers to borrow the DVD "An Inconvenient Truth" from their local library.

We all have to do our bit to help future generations by reducing the impact of climate change. After a poor start, Council policies on recycling have shown improvements over the last four years. This has been with the encouragement of the Bracknell Green Party which has, over the last few months, suggested further changes to Council procedures.

One suggested enhancement is the weekly collection of food and vegetable waste in a special container. Such waste should not be sent to landfill. Many properties in the Borough do not have the space for composting and so BFBC should take responsibility for this form of recycling rather than encourage people to put such biodegradable material into their rubbish bin.

From David Young, 9 Haywood, Bracknell. Tel 01344 456489

Tax and Politics

Last week was special with the awarding of the Nobel Peace prize and our main political parties getting all worked up about inheritance tax. I can understand people wanting to pass down their wealth to their children and grandchildren but surely there is a limit. If people pay less inheritance tax, the Government will be forced to take its money by some other tax or just spend less money on public services. Everyone will lose and not just those lucky enough to be able to pass on several hundreds of thousands of pounds after they die. Is that fair?

But what sort of world will there for those benefitting from inheritance tax? Unless something is done about climate change, our planet will be awful place in 50 years time. Preventing this catastrophe should be the main worry of UK politicians rather than trying to buy votes at the next election by the nonsense of promising better public services whilst reducing taxation.

Thankfully the world is not so short sighted as UK politicians as is shown by the award, also this week, of the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore for his warnings on climate change. I urge readers to borrow the Oscar winning DVD "An Inconvenient Truth" from their local library.

David Young, The Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.
9 Haywood, Bracknell, RG12 7WG. Phone 01344 456489

Bracknell Bus Services

What is going wrong with the Bracknell buses? Yesterday my bus was 25 minutes late going into town but the man waiting on the other side of Ringmead was more fortunate as his bus was delayed by only 15 minutes. When I was coming back from Bracknell, the bus was cancelled. Usually the reason is the lack of bus drivers. (The Conservative Party leader should take note that his demand to massively reduce the number of immigrants into UK may not be welcomed by those of us who need them as health workers, bus drivers, teachers, to work on dwellings etc.) Bracknell Forest Borough Council must take its share of the blame due to its minimalistic approach to the need for additional affordable housing in the Borough. It's all very well for those who have houses but what about the needs of their children and the many people who work in Bracknell but cannot afford to live here. And why has the Labour Government done so little about our need for additional affordable housing in its 10 years of power?

David Young, The Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.
From David Young, 9 Haywood, Bracknell, RG12 7WG. Phone 01344 456489.


The East Berkshire Green Party has selected its first ever Green Party General Election Candidate for the Bracknell parliamentary constituency. He is David Young who has lived in Birch Hill for 25 years. David was a company secretary before he retired and has been a Green Party candidate in five local elections in Birch Hill and Hanworth.

David said 'I am thrilled to have been selected as a general election candidate for Bracknell. It seems essential that we cherish our children and grandchildren by giving them a planet that will be fit for human habitation in 50 years time. The other political parties mostly care about increasing their share of the votes at the next election. By standing as a Green Party candidate, I will give an option to those voters who think that long term issues are more important.'

From David Young, East Berkshire Green Party Secretary, 9 Haywood, Bracknell. Tel 01344 456489.

David Young is the Green Party candidate for Hanworth. For 6 years he has been a governor at Birch Hill Primary School. He has been active in our community since he moved to Birch Hill in 1982, and been an adviser on all topics at the Bracknell Citizens Advice Bureau, Secretary of the Birch Hill and Hanworth Community Liaison Group and worked physically with the Bracknell Conservation Volunteers.

David Young has been at the forefront of three campaigns that have improved the environment in Hanworth and Birch Hill. South Lake is now cleaner, abandoned supermarket trolleys are collected sooner and there is less litter. He and others do regular litter picks.

David's present concern is the lack of affordable housing in the Bracknell area. This leads to local shortages in many occupations. The high cost of housing affects most people's lives, as they have to spend a large proportion of their disposable income on their homes. Now we need more dwellings on brown field sites, particularly for key workers and young people starting out in adult life.

David, 62, keeps fit by jogging (his 2005 Bracknell Half Marathon time was 1 hour, 57 minutes). He was an I.T. specialist and chartered secretary during his working life. He is married to Pauline who worked for Fujitsu/ICL for 25 years. Between 1982 and 1995 their sons Chris and Alex went to Birch Hill and Easthampstead Park Schools, and then on to Oxford University. The family supports Reading Football Club.

Vote David YOUNG

Green Party


Promoted and printed by David Young, 9 Haywood, Bracknell RG12 7WG

A message from David Young, the Green Party candidate:

May I thank residents who've done one or more of the following:

· Reported abandoned supermarket trolleys and full litter bins

· Cleared up after their dogs have made a "mess"

· Removed glass and litter from the local paths and open spaces

· Signed the petitions after the closures of the Johnstone Court Day Care Centre for the elderly and the toilets at Birch Hill Shops

· Supported my 5 year campaign to improve Bracknell recycling.

If you elect me I will:

· Continue to suggest yet more improvements to the Borough recycling schemes (we should aim for zero waste)

· Ask for a zero tolerance policy towards antisocial behaviour

· Campaign for additional affordable housing on brown field sites

· Demand that new Bracknell buildings are fully energy efficient

· Call for the introduction of a 10p levy at local supermarkets on all new plastic bags taken by customers: 5p to be retained by the supermarket to reduce prices, 5p to reduce Council Tax.

Voting for the Green Party says that old dogmas and "spin" as practised by other political parties are not the answer to today's problems. We must take back control of our own lives and not allow ourselves to be ruled by the power of big businesses and the media, remote central government and the lottery of market forces – is anyone proud of what our rail and road systems have been allowed to become under both Conservative and Labour?

Only by voting for the Green Party can we keep up the pressure for real change to meet the needs of the planet for future decades.

Green Party councillors have been elected across the UK. Dr Caroline Lucas is one of our representatives in the European Parliament.

You are welcome to contact me at 9 Haywood (phone 456489) to tell me about local matters you are concerned about.

You can protect future generations by voting Green Party.

Please vote for me, David Young. Many thanks.

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Bracknell Bus Service

I thoroughly support the letter in last week's Bracknell Standard complaining about the poor bus service. What is going wrong with the Bracknell buses? It is so annoying when buses are cancelled, particularly when "customers" are waiting at a cold bus stop. Usually the reason is the lack of bus drivers. They just can't afford to pay the local housing costs. Bracknell Forest Borough Council must take its share of the blame due to its minimalistic approach to the need for additional "affordable" housing on brown field sites in the Borough. It's all very well for those who have houses but what about the needs of their children and the many people who work in Bracknell but cannot afford to live here. I hear that the 191 bus service is next to be cancelled. This route to Reading is already a shadow of its former self. I feel that our poor planet needs to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging us to use public transport rather than the opposite.

David Young, The Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.
9 Haywood, Bracknell, RG12 7WG. Phone 01344 456489

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Affordable Housing in Bracknell

I see in last week's Bracknell News that our Council has rejected plans for 65 additional dwellings near Brakenhale School. These would have been close to the Town Centre, ideal for those residents who work there or need to travel to work by bus or train. There is a massive need for new "affordable" dwellings in Bracknell. Houses near the Town Centre would not impinge on our green countryside. Maybe the residents would be to able to use public transport and have no need to own motor vehicles. This would help the planet survive and bring extra trade to local shops. I know that many families cannot afford a car. For others, deciding not to own a car would be a sacrifice, but one many people would be happy to make if it meant living under their own roof rather than sharing a home with parents or friends. After all, how can we ever hope to have our own hospital if there is nowhere for the poorly-paid staff to live.

David Young, The Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.
9 Haywood, Bracknell, RG12 7WG. Phone 01344 456489

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Fennerfest in Slough

FennerFest Slough 2007 - the programme


here it is - hopefully you've had chance to see this already, but this is the final version, with all events, dates, speakers/performers and venues confirmed - some have changed so please use this one

Tickets for The Beat *this Thursday* are selling quickly now, and we're pleased to announce the wonderful Couchie Banton and the Upfront Band as support. It's going to be a wonderful night, the very last gig in the magnificent Maharajah Suite upstairs at Vikrams. Nik Turner will play the very last gig downstairs on Nov 10th (the horn shall sound & the walls of Jericho shall fall!), then the old building is going to be demolished, re-appearing sometime next year in time for the Indian Wedding season, and all being well, we'll be back!

in the meantime, relish this years programme - gypsy music, electric cars, Joe Strummer, Partition, hip-hop theatre, Ghost stories, hairy man-bats -
it's our best ever festival, we hope you enjoy it


all events free/donations unless otherwise stated ....

Sunday 28 October: When the road bends, tales of a Gypsy Caravan Exclusive showing of acclaimed documentary following Gypsy musicians from India, Romania, Macedonia and Spain touring the US. A heartlifting, myth-shattering combination of music, history and culture of the worldwide Roma people. Plus refreshments. Evening sponsored by Slough Borough Council
8pm DarvillesLane Youth Centre, Chalvey. Free – donations welcome

Monday 29 October: Dinner Debate – 50 Facts that Should Change the World Author and BBC producer Jessica Williams reveals shocking truths about the world we think we know. Plenty of opportunity to debate, discuss the issues, or simply listen, all around the dinner table. 8pm Shahzad restaurant, Park St, town centre. Debate free – pay for your food!
Read the book -


Tuesday 30 October Film: Who Killed the Electric Car?
Film investigating the shocking demise of California zero-emission cars, plus a chance to meet one of Slough Borough Council's electric car fleet! 8pm Quakers Meeting House, Ragstone Rd. Free – donations welcome

Wednesday 31 October Halloween Quiz
Bring your crystal ball and try and predict the questions.
8pm West Wing Arts Centre, Stoke Rd

Thursday 1 November Film: Joe Strummer: the future is unwritten
Watch the story of Joe Strummer of The Clash, drink and relax from 8pm Herschel Arms, Herschel St Free

Friday 2 November Freecycle: Bring and Take
The Slough Freecycle network offering a chance to bring small items that you no longer want, and swap them for something you do! Have a nose from 6 – 8pm at Quakers Meeting House, Ragstone Road Free – donations welcome

Friday 2 November Music night: Beatroutes!
Slough's premier DJ Spencer Lowe and special guests for a night of hip-hop, jazz, soul, and dub. All for just £3. 8pm at Vikrams Occasions Palace, Herschel St, Slough

Saturday 3 November The Snow Queen
Wonderful songs and music and a heart warming tale, for ages 5+ 3pm, West Wing Arts Centre
£6.50 Family tickets £24 01753 823710

Sunday 4 November Critical Mass Family Bike Ride
Voted a great success by all who took part last year, leisurely biking along safe byways, with a convivial refreshment stop built in. Suitable for beginners and all the family. 1pm Meet at the Metal Tree in Slough High St – donations welcome

Tuesday 6 November Film: Taking Liberties
Documentary about New Labour laws and how they are eroding century's old freedoms 8pm at Friends Meeting House, Ragstone Road Free – donations welcome

Wednesday 7 November Partition exhibition and discussion
Aik Saath exhibition of the 1947 Partition between India and Pakistan.
Created by Slough youngsters, from interviews with people who lived though the tumultuous events.
4.30 – 5.30; new Arbour Vale school, Farnham Rd Followed by dinner debate
with Oxford historian Vanita Sharma 6pm on Dukes Head, Farnham Rd

Thursday 8 November Busk – Kings of the Sidewalk
A triple bill of potent dance, street sounds and hip-hop theatre.
8pm; West Wing Arts Centre, Stoke Rd tickets £7 advance 01753 823710

Friday 9 November An Evening of Lugubrious Music and Lopsided Prose Join master of words Hooting Yard and his musical colleague Outaspaceman for the most hilarious night of the festival. Excellent fun and not to be missed!
8pm, West Wing Arts Centre, £1.50

Saturday 10 November Family Fennerfun: art abstraction!
Find the Fennerfun in the Queensmere Observatory shopping centre and join
the artistic fun and games! 12 – 4pm Free – donations welcome

Saturday 10 November Nik Turner's Galatikos
Ex-Hawkwind Thunder Rider and friends, with psychedelic latino-funk fit to bring down the walls of Jericho – at the last ever gig at Vikrams before the building is demolished and a new palace emerges! Always packs the joint whenever he appears in Slough, a gig not to be missed.
Support from The Jones Radio -
8pm, Vikrams Occasions Palace, Herschel St. £6 website: via 08700 600 100. £8 on door

Sunday 11 November Multi-faith Peace Service
A contemplative moment at the heart of the festival, with peace based readings from different faiths and the opportunity to think about our role as peacemakers. 6.30pm Kingsway church, Church St.

Monday 12 November Dinner Debate: Global Warming
Environmental expert Fred Pearce discusses the most pressing issue facing the world today – is it too late to reverse climate change? Quiz the author and New Scientist writer while enjoying sensational food.
8pm, Thai Orchid, 292-298 High St Debate free – pay for your dinner!
Fred's new book. "Earth Then and Now: Potent Visual Evidence of Our Changing
World", co-authored with Zac Goldsmith is available from

Tuesday 13 November Film 'Southpaw: Francis Barrett Story' plus personal appearance:
International boxer Frankie Barrett himself introduces the film about his boxing career, making history and overcoming prejudice as the first traveler to represent Ireland, at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Presented with the Thames Valley Gypsy Association

From the BFI review -
"Barrett, the commentators enthuse, is an all-action boxer who never stops coming forward. That same irrepressible enthusiasm he shows in the ring is what makes him such an engaging subject, and Southpaw such an easy film to warm to"

8pm Friends Meeting House, Ragstone Road Free – donations welcome

Friday 16 November Pluck – Musical Arson
An unmissable unique combination of comedy and superb musicianship 8pm, West Wing Arts Centre, Stoke Rd Tickets £8 advance 01753 823710

Saturday 17-Sunday 18 November Family Fennerfun – moon creatures!
Find the Fennerfest workshop for family fun, imagining moon creatures and having other creative adventures!
10am – 4pm Queensmere Observatory Shopping Centre Free – donations welcome

Fennerfest is joining forces with the West Wing for the festival –
festival goers buying tickets for West Wing shows listed above get a special discount
by ringing 01753 823710 and quoting "Fennerfest"

Welcome to the EastBerkshireGreenParty blog

The East Berkshire Green Party includes Winsor, Bracknell, Maidenhead and Slough.
Weve been campaigning and fighting elections for years, and now with this have a presence on the web. The Three Big parties dominate the political landscape, but as there policies are so similar they don't offer a choice. We are in effect the opposition. So join us to make this a better place.