Thursday, 22 November 2007

Affordable Housing in Bracknell

I see in last week's Bracknell News that our Council has rejected plans for 65 additional dwellings near Brakenhale School. These would have been close to the Town Centre, ideal for those residents who work there or need to travel to work by bus or train. There is a massive need for new "affordable" dwellings in Bracknell. Houses near the Town Centre would not impinge on our green countryside. Maybe the residents would be to able to use public transport and have no need to own motor vehicles. This would help the planet survive and bring extra trade to local shops. I know that many families cannot afford a car. For others, deciding not to own a car would be a sacrifice, but one many people would be happy to make if it meant living under their own roof rather than sharing a home with parents or friends. After all, how can we ever hope to have our own hospital if there is nowhere for the poorly-paid staff to live.

David Young, The Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.
9 Haywood, Bracknell, RG12 7WG. Phone 01344 456489

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