Saturday, 24 November 2007

Bracknell Bus Service

I thoroughly support the letter in last week's Bracknell Standard complaining about the poor bus service. What is going wrong with the Bracknell buses? It is so annoying when buses are cancelled, particularly when "customers" are waiting at a cold bus stop. Usually the reason is the lack of bus drivers. They just can't afford to pay the local housing costs. Bracknell Forest Borough Council must take its share of the blame due to its minimalistic approach to the need for additional "affordable" housing on brown field sites in the Borough. It's all very well for those who have houses but what about the needs of their children and the many people who work in Bracknell but cannot afford to live here. I hear that the 191 bus service is next to be cancelled. This route to Reading is already a shadow of its former self. I feel that our poor planet needs to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging us to use public transport rather than the opposite.

David Young, The Green Party General Election candidate for Bracknell.
9 Haywood, Bracknell, RG12 7WG. Phone 01344 456489

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